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Event IV

Event IV : Welcoming Ball

Welcome to the Celebratory Ball!


The Castle of Ionad has been prepared for the occasion, there is no corridor left unadorned! The main hall is lavishly strung with green and silver embellishments, clearly for the occasion. Outside of the castle, the city takes part in its own festivities. Many have put on their finest wares, and others have taken to selling foods for the visitors. 




And Now Some Words From A Sovereign...


At the very inception of the ball within the castle’s main hall, the presence of the Sovereigns and their first hands is announced. Each is called to a stage constructed for the event, behind them glows a stained glass window of green and white, bearing the centaur crest. 


Cadogan addresses the crowd, her voice a bit shaky as she does so.

“Hello… Everyone,” she begins. “I am… honored that you all have traveled to our kingdom in order to celebrate the arrival of the Passengers. On the behalf of us centaurs, we want nothing more than you all to enjoy yourselves here in our home, and to treat our newest friends with the charity and kindness one could only hope to receive during such a tumultuous period.” 


After a moment of hesitation and awkward silence. “Oh, you can.. Uh.. Begin,” she waved her hand to insulate beginning. Cadogan stopped. “I mean commence! The ball may commence...” The sovereigns shuffled off the stage, an unorganized conglomerate of hooves and claws as the band begins to play some pleasant music that easily fades into the background. 






Prompt A: Dressing Up For The Occasion                15 Gold | 2 Influence


  • It’s not all that common to have the opportunity to get your suit or dress out from the dusty corner of your dresser. But such an opportunity has risen! And people are jumping on it to make themselves look the best they’ve had in ages perhaps! 

    • Draw your character in the Ball Outfit they decided to wear! If any.

    • Needs to be at least a Bust , Base Colors minimum; 250 words minimum for literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.


Prompt B: The Dance                                                 20 Gold | 2 Influence


  • The Chamber Orchestra has begun playing, the music in the air is giving people the itch to tap their feet and move their bodies to the tune. The floor is open to all, you may dance by yourselves or ask for the hand of another.

    • Draw your character on the dance floor having a good time, or a bad time, be it by themselves or with someone else!

    • Needs to be at least a Full Body , Base Colors minimum; 750 words minimum for literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.



Prompt C: Mix n’ Mingle                                           30 Gold  | 2 Influence


  • There are several long tables holding a variety of hors d'oeuvres and refreshments available to the guests. Maybe your character is taking a break from dancing, maybe your character went straight for these, but at least they’ve found someone to talk to.

    • Draw your character having an interaction with someone else at the snack table, be it casual conversation or holding each other by the throats.

    • Needs to be at least a Bust , Base Colors minimum; 750 words minimum for literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.

    • Collaboration Only Prompt!

Event III: Part II

New Messages have been added to your city's bulletin board.

Ship Upon the Horizon 

On the 26th day of Quintilis an unknown vessel was spotted upon the North-Western coastline by the Outlyr Lighthouse. It is a vessel of unprecedented size, though it moves slowly. It was surrounded by the horizon's ghosts, what they did to the ship we cannot confirm at this time. 


Where the ship hails from cannot be confirmed. 


If there are any living passengers or crew cannot be confirmed. 


A correspondence, 

The Harpy and Naga Gaurd


The Vessel: Update

On the 27th of Quintilis Harpy forces from Hiemsgar and Naga forces from Shashan were deployed to investigate the vessel. It ceased moving towards the mainland sometime in the early morning of the 26th. Upon arriving at the vessel, the forces discovered it to have run aground some 3 miles from the coastline. 


The forces boarded the ship to find some 650 passengers, some bearing features never before witnesses. None displayed violent tendencies, all of which were unnaturally despondent and unresponsive despite being semi-conscious. After some intervention by the guard, the passengers were relieved from their stupor. 


None of the passengers bear any recollection of where they sailed from, nor did they have a notion of where they had landed. 


Due to their passivity, the passengers have been declared non-threatening and thus are being transported into Hiemsgar and Shashan where they will be temporarily given shelter. 


A correspondence, 

The Harpy and Naga Gaurd


Update III: Passenger's Shelters

As of the 27th of Quintilis the ship's passengers have been relocated to Voldenhem and Hiemsgar. 


Currently, we have identified harpies, nagas, mermaids, and centaurs as well as 2 species not native to our island. They refer to themselves as the Sphinxs and Dragontaurs. Currently, the Harpy Kingdom has vowed to shelter the Sphinxes while the Naga Kingdom offers the Dragontaurs their support.


Hiemsgar and Voldenhem have requested civilian escorts to assist in transporting the centaurs and merfolk to their respective kingdoms. 


Hiemsgar has also requested that those with spare supplies transport them to the Strandr Inn. 


A correspondence, 

The Harpy and Naga Gaurd


RP Prompts


A Very Strange Message​: Your character has heard rumors/read the notes on their local bulletin board, what does your character think of the news? Do they believe that it's true? Do they believe it's hogwash? Do they suddenly have plans to make a trip to see for themselves? And who are they talking to about this?


A Long Journey: Your character has ultimately decided to make a venture to either Heimsgar, Strandr or Voldenhem to assist with escorts or simply to behold the new species. Who are you traveling with? What are their plans? Are they going to house a couple lost souls? Are they delivering home made goods?


First Impressions: The rumors and notes have spoken only truths it turns out. You are now face to face with one of the newly settled species on your humble lands, though unfortunately the most fascinating thing about them is their appearance. There's not a thing to their names, not even a name, and they're quite lost. Will you help them? Will you laugh at them?


ART Prompts

There will be no official Art Prompts for this event, however, if you so happen to draw one of the RP prompts you will be rewarded the usual gold and influence bonus that is associated with Art Prompts.

Event III

Event III : Shorelines

          It had been a week since Vanguard returned home, most of the citizens were settling back into their kingdoms. The markets were open, the farmers were tilling their fields, the merchants selling their wares. 


          The island was recovering from the Red Horizon, that is, until a storm ravaged the island for nearly a day. The seas were high and the rain beat hard upon the ground. Finally, the next morning, the sky cleared.


          But have you been to the shorelines since the storm ended? Have you heard the rumors? The most peculiar things are washing up on the beaches. Items never before beheld by those on the island. Where are these things coming from? 


Venture to the nearest shore and find out more. 






Welcome to Event III: Shorelines ! 


          This event occurs a week after your characters return to their kingdoms, and lasts 7 days in canon. 


          This event will concentrate on a new RP mechanic: the Item Finder. You will roll to discover items washed up on the beach, and depending on your roll will find articles of various values.


Worth can be determined by monetary gain, or by intellectual benefit.


You can also sell the items obtained for gold coins, this is to keep your inventory from becoming clogged. You can barter with other members, or sell them to the admins.  What you do with these items is up to you. 


          If you’d like to RP with a character in another kingdom, feel free to. It seems it has become quite lucrative to ferry individuals across the island in order to find treasures from other shores. Centaurs from Dunland have been found taking trips to Strandr, likewise nagas from Volden have been ferried across the southern sea to beaches within the Centaur Kingdom. Any Place you’d like to go, is available to you! 






Prompt A: A Stormy Night                                         20 Gold | 2 Influence


  • The storm that had assaulted your home was one of the worst ones in quite some time, the lightning and thunder absolutely terrifying. 

    • Draw your character braving the night before, be it hiding under sheets or watching nature through the window or whatever else they may be doing.

    • Needs to be at least a Bust with a Background, Base Colors minimum; 750 words minimum for literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.


Prompt B: Looking Around The Shore                    15 Gold | 2 Influence


  • Things are washing ashore, and every folk looking  is sure to find something, I wonder what it will be.

    • Draw your character finding one of the many things you stumble across during your rolls!

    • Needs to be at least a Bust, base colors minimum; 500 words minimum for literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.


Mini-Event: Provisionary Vanguard 

Dear Citizens, 

    This is a message from your Sovereigns. We are not going to gift you reassurances we can not deliver upon. Our role in this is to serve our people, and it is with great trepidation that we rely on your assistance. 
    As we proceed through the night, we are operating blind. We have isolated ourselves in Harbor Town for our collective safety, but the island lives on without us. We understand you are far from your homes, far from those whom you hold dear. Never the less, we depend upon your bravery tonight.
    Us Sovereigns are establishing a Provisionary Vanguard to travel back to the centers of our cities and report one's findings. This is not to be taken lightly, the means you will be transported via will be magical, and therefore unstable. We cannot confirm your safety.

    You will be rewarded by your Sovereign when your mission has been completed. And, given its success, you may remain in the city you were sent to if to until daybreak. This allows some to see their families before the end of the lockdown. 

    If you'd like to take up this opportunity please convene in the Habor Town library. 

We will return to our kingdoms soon enough, 
have faith in yourselves and our island,


Sovereign B. Cadogan, 
Sovereign, D. Sanborne 
Sovereign, A. Pelagius 
Sovereign, P. Delmore 
Sovereign, A. Swaddleton 

This event is Quest-driven, and therefore, welcome to the first Quests of Media Terra! Your characters are being called upon for the sake of their kingdoms, will they assist?



Your character will be given two items: 

  • A Message Tome 

    • A journal that relays what is written in its page to a Master Tome. It will transfer notes taken during these missions back to the Sovereigns. ​

  • A Roving Stone 

    • A roving stone most often takes the form of a coin, when activated, these enchanted items allow for the teleportation of an individual. These will transport your character to the city of their choosing. ​


There will be 4 Parties comprised of 4 Vanguards, one party will be sent to each kingdom. They are to report in their Message Tome on the state of the kingdom, and the magical oddities they find, 

  • These RPs will be DMed by the admins, @ us during rps to request information on your surroundings.

  • You do not need to end ongoing RPs, if you'd like to participate in both you can state they occurred before the Vanguard.  

Red Horizon

EVENT II : Red Horizon


        The sun has set over the island. The joyous sounds of a social gathering are fading into the murmurs of those left in its wake. The streets are milled about by those yet to retire. They speak quietly as not to wake the sleeping children in the arms of their parents. They pull the unbought goods from their stalls, they count their coins in the flickering light of lanterns, the wagons are loaded in darkness. Many will sleep in the inn tonight, many prepare for a journey home. They crave their beds, the heat of a  fire, the embraces of those who’ve missed them. 

      The light crept over the horizon. Morning? They wondered as they lifted their gaze towards a brightening sky. A silence fell over the already weary village. It was a thicker silence than the winding down of tired citizens, this silence sank into the streets. 


        It was not morning, but light pulsed over the sky. It hummed quietly, as the once star-filled night turned magenta. Wide eyes watched as a red sky stretched before them, and it seemed to stall. The color hung over them like a heavy cloud waiting to rain. 


        Then, at once, it cracked. Like ice underfoot, like lightning in a winter storm, like the sizzling pop of fire. The sky crackled and shattered in a display of red light. It was blinding, it was deafening. It was a light you saw when you closed your eyes and stained your vision for several minutes. 


        Then, just as it had come, it left. The sky cleared. It looked darker, perhaps even bluer than before. 


        Did the stars shine more brightly? 




Welcome to Red Horizon! This is a main event in the plotline of Media-Terra. 


In-game, this event lasts the entire night after the Concluding Banquet. It’s approximately 12 hours of in-character time. It is important that your character knows this has occurred, and thus we are allotting ample time to RP the night of this occurrence. 


During this time, characters are not allowed to leave harbor town. The sovereigns have declared this an emergency and do not want citizens roaming the island at night.  



RP Prompts: 

        Taverns and Inns: The taverns and inns of Harbor town have been designated housing for the temporary inhabitants of Harbor Town. Where does your character stay the night? Are they sharing a room with a stranger? Did they procure a room with someone they knew? Can they sleep? 


        Watch and Wait: Has your character forsaken sleeping and decided to watch the sky for further development? Do they peer upward from an inn balcony or sit in the street with a neck craned upwards? 


        Up In Arms: Does your character have a family to see? Do they need to be home? Are they pissed that they’re being sequestered to a city full of strangers? Do they need to vent their frustrations and throw a punch at a guard? 


        Sharing Theories: Did your character see the Red Horizon? Everyone heard the crack, but were they outside? If they weren’t are they asking anyone they can find what they saw? If they saw it, what do they think it was? 


Sovereign RPs will now have a point boost of 3 for their first rp, any other rp afterwards will then be worth .5



Art Prompt:


Prompt A: It’s A Time To Share    15 Gold (Individually)/ 25 Gold (Collab) | 2 Influence


  • Being stuck in a temporary housing situation can suck, but it could suck a little less with the other people you’re with! Or maybe it’ll make it a million times worse, who knows.

  • Draw your character in an inn room idling around. Draw them bored, draw them sleeping, draw them talking with a roomie, or think up something! Your choice!

  • Can be done by yourself or you may do it as a Collaboration.

  • Needs to be at least a Bust with a background of the room, base colors minimum.

  • Can only be done once per character.



Prompt B: Magical Complications    15 Gold | 2 Influence



  • There seems to be… an outbreak of peoples’ magic going hangwire… how does your magic react?

  • Draw your character having issues controlling their magical abilities, be it that someone who fire breathes suddenly can’t stop breathing fire or someone who can levitate items having everything surrounding them rise without their want.

  • Needs to be at least a bust with base colors, or a minimum of 500 word literature, to count.

  • Can only be done once per character.



Concluding Banquet

Concluding Banquet
Welcome to the Annual Convoke's concluding Banquet!

The sun is beginning to set on the island as the festival-goers congregate in Harbor Town's city center. There are long tables set up with plenty of space for each individual, a feast laid out before them. 


The annual meal is shared between members of all the kingdoms, as well as their sovereigns who are seated at the end of the centermost table. 


The sky is beginning to turn orange in the early evening, the chatter of old and new friends fills in the cooling night air. A harpy strums a lute somewhere in the town. 


Before the feast begins, Armac, the sovereign of Harbor Town stands on his chair to initiate a toast. "Oi, OI, attention o'er here, folks! We got some things to say to ya. My town so I take the stand. Wanna say that y'all did a job well done on another year of livin' and prosperin', even if some of ya gave me headaches all year to keep that goin'. Here's to another year of all that shit, yea?"


After the toast, the feast begins, commencing the official ending of the festival. 




  • This is a mini-event! Thus, it will only last a few days! This is also the last portion of the ongoing Festival. 

  • Feel free to use this time to wrap up any RPs, or if you'd like to RP the feast, but be warned it must be wrapped up by 06/21/20! 


Drawing Prompt: 

Draw your character with a new friend of theirs that they met at the convoke! 

Rewards: 15 Gold | 2 Influence


Timeframe: 06/17/20 - 06/21/20



Event I: Annual Convoke

EVENT I : Annual Convoke


Come one, come all to the Annual Convoke of Media Terra! People of the Land, of the Seas, and of the Skies, they all gather around for a jovial day and night of festivities at the widely accepted center of their ‘little’ island, Harbortown! 


This little holiday for these people is to commemorate the unity the four races have, there may be some bad blood between them from times long gone, but they are all they have, it is only them, them and them on this mass of land they call home. They understand this, and made a day to enjoy each other. Or at the very least, tolerate each other and talk about current events!


For this 24 hour day, those who are able to travel gather around, bringing homemade cuisine from their culture to share and setting up booths and areas for fun activities. Go apple bobbing! Test your strength and get a ding! Try your accuracy and throw a little hacky sack at milk bottles! Pie eating contests! So many things to do and so little time, 24 hours seems like a lot but as you’ll find out, it’s not enough! 


Oh what fun, what fun! The Annual Convoke has been going on for 100 years! Without a problem! Don’t you worry any of your heads about a possible disaster happening this one time, it can’t!


It won’t.


~ The First Event Of Media Terra is a go! This event is to act as basically a good way to get comfortable with your character, with any other character possible! An easy way to interact with each other if everyone is in the same place!


~ To count as an Event RP, any RPs for it will have to be in Harbortown channels only. Any other RPs that are out of these channels that are occurring during the same canon time period won’t count as such.


~ The event is primarily on land, so with any Harbortown channels that don’t have a nearby large water source will have Mermaids be in their Land Forms, which means your Land Forms must be accepted before you continue on to RP. There will be channels that will allow Mers to be in their Water Forms but aren’t as numerous. 


~ We encourage all of you to host your own little activities for others, like having your characters set up a booth or host a contest!


PROMPT A: Show Your Style! 15 Gold | 2 Influence


  • With such festivities, people tend to dress up a little for it. Did your character? Draw what their outfit is for the day and show it to the world!

    • Needs to be a full-body with colors to count or at least be a 500 word literature.

    • Can only be done once per character.


Prompt B: Get A Load Of This Guy! 20 Gold | 2 Influence


  • Draw out your character participating in one of the many activities around! You may draw them doing one of the examples described in the event or of them doing one of the hosted activities of others. Hell! You could make up your own!

    • Needs to be at least a full body with colors and a simple background or a 750 word literature to count. 

    • Can only be done once per character. 


Prompt C: Meet and Greet 15 Gold | 2 Influence


  • Draw your character meeting up with another character(s), having a nice chat or eating a meal together, or having General fun together! Or arguing and giving each other glares, that’s okay too.

  • Needs to be a collaboration 

  • Needs to be at least a bust with colors of the two or more characters.

  • Can only be done once per character.

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